Nuclear Verdicts
News & Insights
Nuclear Verdicts
California’s Supreme Court Opens a Path So Plaintiffs Can Recover Greater Nuclear Verdicts™ Against “Deep Pocket” Defendants
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Insurance industry can tackle the problem of Nuclear Verdicts™, attorney says
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Stop Nuclear Verdicts™: Hire Plaintiff Lawyers
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The Reptile Theory: Use it!
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Should You Accept Responsibility at Trial?
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The Litigation Psychology Podcast – Episode 4
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Nuclear Verdicts™: What Property/Casualty Carriers Need to Know
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Is the defense bar being out-lawyered?
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Stemming the Tide of Social Inflation
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The Nuclear Age: Combatting the Growing Problem of Runaway Jury Verdicts
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With New Trial Tactics Fueling Nuclear Verdicts™, Can Defense Catch Up?
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Tyson Sees Need for 100 Additional Attorneys
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Prevent Runaway Jury Verdicts by Neutralizing the Reptile Theory: Viewpoint
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A Defense Attorney’s Guide To Successfully Arguing Damages
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